Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Primary School

Why fit in when you were born to stand out?

Safeguarding in the curriculum

At Woodlands Primary School we have a fully inclusive curriculum that is designed around various books, themes and  topics - making meaningful links between subjects where possible. As a school, we take our responsibility for safeguarding very seriously and as such, safeguarding is linked in to all aspects of the curriculum throughout the school year. 
The teachers and children have open and honest conversations, that take place without fear or judgement- building relationships based around trust and respect.
There are many topics covered throughout the curriculum that link to safeguarding such as: keeping themselves safe, e-safety,  friendships and what it is to be a kind friend as well as more discrete topics on good and bad touch and relationships. At Woodlands we use a variety of age-appropriate resources to teach the different subjects and topics.

If you would like further information on safeguarding in the curriculum in your child's year group, please see 'Our classes' and look through the planning documents and rationales or look in 'our curriculum' to see specific subjects. 

Please see the below plan to outline where safeguarding takes place in our curriculum.